Our Articles
The Unfortunate Truth
Australia was recently shocked, dismayed and saddened by the death of Charlotte Dawson. Death by her own hand – suicide.
Statutory Minimum Standards for Queensland Rental Properties
On 3 April 2014 a Bill was introduced into the Queensland Parliament to amend the Residential Tenancies and Rooming Accommodation Act (referred to as ‘the Bill’).
QCAT: Urgent Application and Refund of Bond and Compensation
A decision of QCAT considered the question whether on an urgent application...
Property Managers Take Note
In a recent decision of the Supreme Court of Appeal [1] a decision of the...
Fake Eviction Notice
We suggest you contact your tenants and inform them that they should be aware of an “Eviction Notice” email spam campaign, and that this is not from you and that you do not and would not communicate with them in this form
QCAT: Be Aware Of Limitation Periods
A recent decision of the Queensland Civil and Administrative Tribunal (‘the...
Break Lease Fees are Fixed
The Residential Tenancies Act 2010 (NSW) introduced a provision that permitted the landlord and the tenant to agree of a ‘break fee’ for a fixed term agreement for a fixed term of not more than 3 years.
Principals Be Aware Protect Your Commission
As we are all aware, for a real estate agent to perform a service for a...
Important Advice for NSW Agents regarding CTTT Orders
Section 51 allows the Registrar of the CTTT to certify an amount as ordered to be paid by the Tribunal, and provides that such certificate, if registered in a court, which has jurisdiction to give judgment for a debt of the same amount, operates as a judgment. This implies a requirement for that amount to be a fixed sum.
QCAT Issue
I thought that you would all be interested in another issue we are working on...
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For over 35 years, Barclay MIS has been innovative in the field of debt recovery. We offer a range of products and services that utilises cutting edge technology that securely recover debt in accordance with legislation.
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