Rents hit record highs = Record high claims amounts

Rents hit record highs = Record high claims amounts

Rents rose by a record 10.2% in the last quarter of 2022 correspondingly we saw claim values rise by 11.6% for the same period.   What this means is that although we currently have record low vacancy rates, the amount of claims being lodged have...
Outgoing Condition Report

Outgoing Condition Report

We recently commented on statement from the head of the REIQ regarding property managers being stressed.   Here is a real-life example of how we are supporting the PM’s we work with.   Last week we executed a warrant of possession for the eviction of a...
Changes To Residential Tenancy Procedures In NSW Due To COVID19

Changes To Residential Tenancy Procedures In NSW Due To COVID19

The NSW Government has introduced new regulations regarding residential tenancies as a consequence of the COVID-19 pandemic. The regulations came into effect on 15 April 2020. Generally, the regulations create a 6 month moratorium period give an impacted tenant: A...