10 Jun, 2021

Business Debtors Ledger Subscription

Considering the state of today’s economic climate, now more than ever it is essential for a business’s survival to be able to manage their debtors’ ledger effectively and cost-efficiently.

By subscribing to the Barclay MIS Business Debtors Ledger Subscription, you now have both of those points covered.

Not only do you save time in managing your debtors’ ledger, but you also save money as you pay no commissions on money recovered. Often this is a deterrent in pursuing arrears, particularly when the amount is small. 

With the subscription in place, it doesn’t matter whether the amount owed is $25, $250, or $2,500. You have no further cost when using the UNLIMITED USE subscription.

For just $550 per annum tax-deductible, you have unlimited access to demands to send to overdue debtors. You can now have full control over the degree of pressure you wish to apply to an overdue account – from a gentle reminder, right through to a firm and final demand. 

Every $ that is owed to you is YOUR NET PROFIT. It is not your role to be an INTEREST-FREE banker to your debtors. If it was good enough for you to supply the goods or service, it is good enough to get paid.

Take control now, so your business will be here in the future.

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