Protect & Collect FAQ’s
What industries can the Barclay MIS Protect & Collect subscription be used for?
Barclay MIS currently offer their Protect & Collect subscription to a wide range of industries, click here to view types of subscriptions currently available. Should your industry not be listed please contact us to discuss your individual needs.
What are the benefits of subscribing to one of your Protect & Collect plans?
For a low annual subscription Barclay MIS gives you the ability to better manage your debtor’s ledger without breaking the bank. The P & C subscription gives you the ability to commence the recovery process yourself by using our online tools.
As a landlord I have insurance, why should I also subscribe the Residential or Commercial P & C subscription?
One is not intended to replace the other, however they do complement each other. Think of it more like having car insurance and a roadside break down service, such as NRMA, RACQ etc.
Often an insurance product cannot be utilised until the tenant has vacated and there is an issue and or, an amount of money owing. On most policies there are costly excesses to be paid before making a claim and or, some exclusions, totally depending on what and why you are claiming. You will receive a payment upon acceptance from the insurance company. With the exclusions and or excesses, there can be a short fall of monies paid out to settle the claim. Barclay MIS have no excess or exclusions. We can recover from the tenants any short fall relating to insurance claims against the tenant.
Can I lodge a recovery even though I do not have a P & C subscription in place?
Yes, we do offer a debt collection service if your property is not subscribed. Please contact our office and we will explain the costs associated with lodging the recovery.
Contact Barclay MIS
Get in touch with the Barclay MIS team.
T: 1300 883 916
F: 1300 883 917
Our Services
For over 35 years, Barclay MIS has been innovative in the field of debt recovery. We offer a range of products and services that utilises cutting edge technology that securely recover debt in accordance with legislation.

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