4 Feb, 2010

How Are You Finding QCAT?

Well, the Queensland Civil and Administrative Tribunal has been in operation for just over 2 months now.

How is it working for you?

We have had some mixed feedback.

One client told us of a recent example where an Order was obtained for compensation, however the tenant was allowed 6 weeks to pay – with the reason being given that it was Christmas.

Hey, what about the landlord who must pay a mortgage, rates, insurance. Or what about your office which has missed out on your management fees because the tenant had not paid rent.

We would be more than happy to receive your feedback about QCAT – positive or negative.

Remember we are always happy to approach the powers that be on behalf of clients regarding any areas of concern or suggestions for change or improvement.

We have already sent a suggestion to the Tribunal that the Orders should particularise what the amount ordered to be paid is for – i.e. rent, cleaning, gardening etc., rather than just setting out one figure. This is done in Orders of every other State Tribunal or Court. It alleviates the problem of having the tenant wasting everyone’s time when they get the Order querying how it was calculated or what it is for.

Anyway, we look forward to your feedback.

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