I think we need to be acting with a bit of caution here and not get caught up in the Meth Madness. Yes, we have a major Meth problem but to suggest that we should be testing houses at the end of a tenancy is somewhat of an over kill and would only benefit the people...
As you would be aware, it has been some time since there has been an increase in the cost of subscription to the Barclay Protect & Collect Plan of $55.00. As most would be aware over those years there have been substantial rises in costs – particularly in the area...
You will recall in our last principals’ newsletter we mentioned that our Platinum Partners have access to Barclay MIS for the recovery of office debt free of charge. We have recently had 2 of our clients approach us with issues regarding caveats, one client sadly came...
As many of you would be aware Barclay MIS have designed and made available for our clients a number of forms one of which is a pro forma tenancy application form along with supporting documentation such as a pet application, cross reference checklist and...
During December 2015 we were approached by a client with a specific situation, however in looking at this situation we felt with the start of 2016 it would be valuable to highlight to our clients and the industry the potential for problems resulting from this type of...
In our recent meanderings through published decisions of the Queensland Civil and Administrative Tribunal we came upon one decision which raised some interesting questions about the term ‘mitigation of loss’ for landlords. The decision was Redondo Property Investments...